the Humane Society of Moffat County

"Helping the pets of Moffat County since 2002"

Steve Hilley


Ed Anderson


Tina Williams


Don Williams


  • Providing financial assistance for the spay/neuter and vaccination of family pets in our community.
  • Providing food and medical assistance for pets of families in temporary, unusual situations
  • Providing animal foster care
  • Advertising adoptable Shelter pets on Facebook, in local newspapers, and
  • Holding adoption days for Shelter pets
  • Distributing educational information to people adopting Shelter pets
  • Managing a transfer program to transport unadopted Shelter animals to other area shelters and rescues
  • Enlisting volunteers to assist at the Shelter
  • Educating the community by providing materials and learning activities at various community functions and events
Our efforts are funded through memberships, general donations, memorial donations, designated donations through Moffat County United Way, a Human Resource Council grant, and numerous fundraisers we hold throughout the year.

Our ultimate goal is to assist the City and County in the construction and operation of a municipal shelter. A fund dedicated to this goal was established in 2009. We envision a facility that serves the community by bringing pets and people together and providing educational and volunteer opportunities.

A Word About the Humane Society

The Humane Society of Moffat County was formed in May of 2002. The Society is an all volunteer, non-profit 501(c)3 organization. We have no affiliation to any regional, state, or national organization nor do we own or operate the Craig Animal Shelter. We serve the people of Craig and Moffat County by:

Our Message: